Website Hacked

nvgYesterday I discovered the website had been hacked on May 25 (which is actually a significant date), spam scripts installed, and a bunch of fake pages were added. Obviously someone, or a group of someone’s don’t want missing pets found, or found pets returned. I take this as a compliment because it means I’m making more of a positive impact than I thought. Most of the attacks on the website are coming from Russia & the Ukraine, however they’re also coming from here in the united states. The site as you can see is back up, 100% cleaned up, a firewall has been installed, and all it’s tracking information is being turned over to authorities. I’ve never had any problems with this site before a certain Animal Rights Group in Indiana started harassing me online, I can’t say they had anything to do with it as that will be for authorities to determine but they have been harassing me on my own pages, petition, and they have Peta views so. If anyone notices any weird looking things coming from here please notify me on twitter or Facebook.

Attn Ukraine Hacker; I have your IP trying to login in. You are being watched.
